"Dynamic multi-instrumentalist talks about the areas she needs to grow in as a musician in order to fulfill the cicle of artistic authenticity. " Lavender Fields interview on Jake Feinberg Show ” - Jake Feinberg

The Jake Feinberg Show

celebmix.com, February 14, 2019 Lavender Fields just released a new music video for her peaceful synth anthem, “Like the Wind,” shot and edited by Aaron Haines. CelebMix is premiering the video right here! For those of you who are not familiar with Lavender Fields, check out our article about the singer and her latest EP, “Gravitude.” She is a music producer, singer/songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist from California and is very inspired by the world. The video was shot in coastal San Diego. It conveys the message of unity, peace, and collective harmony with nature. A message that is very much needed in the world right now. Watching the video makes you feel like you are actually at the beach in tune with nature instead of sitting on your phone or laptop watching this video. The real life whale and dolphin sounds towards the end of the video, give off amazing nature vibes and “give voice to the majestic creatures that inhabit our beautiful planet,” according to Fields. If you are feeling stressed at all, take five minutes out of your day and watch this video. It is so soothing and relaxing that any worries or negative feelings you have, go away. The message and video, mixed with Fields’ soothing voice, can clear your anxiety. The line “look at nature, how it’s flowing, no anxiety, leaves are falling, winds are blowing, nature sets you free” is probably the most relatable and relaxing line in the whole song/video. Being in tune with nature can really help clear your head. Just being outside feeling the fresh air can make your mood instantly better. To stay updated on her latest releases coming soon, make sure you check out Lavender’s website and social media. What do you think of the music video? Let us know on Twitter at @CelebMix.

Voice Magazine Interview, Sept 2018 L.A.-based singer, producer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist Lavender Fields is both classically trained and completely free of artistic inhibitions. Wide open to musical influences of all sorts (including sounds she encountered on a trip to India), she uses the Moog, the flute, and her own voice to create original soundscapes that soothe, heal, and enlighten. She’s just released her debut album, Music Beyond Music, and plans to soon release an EP, Gravitude. On her European summer tour she launched her “Light Up the World Project,” planting lavender in every city she visited. Recently Lavender Fields took the time to tell us about her background and raison d’être. What kind of childhood did you have? My childhood consisted of practicing classical piano for three hours a day and attending music school and swimming classes. It was a great childhood. What role did music play in it? Major part. My mother is a piano teacher so classical music was always playing in the house and got ingrained in me early on. What was your most precious childhood memory? Probably watching a sunset at the sand dunes by the Baltic Sea. I will never forget that feeling. Something about watching the sun rise and set at the beach. Still love it! Who—or what—in your life was the best influence on you as an artist? As a human being? I would say traveling and learning about different cultures, different music and spirituality and being free has influenced me the most as a human being. And, of course, all the wonderful people I’ve met along the way, but there are so many of them. Why did you choose to produce experimental music? Good question! I started out my song-writing journey just playing acoustic music and making songs. After I learned how to do that I started getting a bit bored with just one instrument and singing. At the time I was friends with lots of musicians who were into beat music scene, artists like Flying Lotus. My friend gave me a copy of Ableton [a music creation software] and I was so fascinated with the ability to be your own composer and experiment with different sounds that I learned how to produce. Ultimately it was the search for new sounds, sounds I’d never heard before, that drove my passion for experimentation. I’m still constantly looking for new sounds. I love field recordings. I have a Moog synth that has literally an infinity of sounds and you can actually create your own instruments by creating new patches on the Moog. I love it! How did you find your bandmates? It’s just me. Although, sometimes I do have a live drummer or a tabla player, which makes it super fun to perform live. How did you come up with that wonderful name? I had a dream about lavender fields about three years ago, while camping in a very beautiful location in Northern California, sleeping under an ancient oak tree. I woke up under such a strong impression that it drove me to create this project. Later a friend gave me a book called The Field about a quantum field surrounding all of us. I started learning about the effects of frequencies on the human brain, producing some binaural beats. Little by little I find new dimensions of the meaning of “Lavender Fields.” It’s like a mystery that keeps unfolding. Now I plant a lavender plant in each city I tour in as well. What do you like best about Music Beyond Music so far? I love the diversity of the songs on it. I love the saxophones that James Muschler from the band Moonhooch recorded on a few tracks. During the making of it we traveled to India and spent two months there studying Hindustani music. That influenced some of the songs. Why did you choose that title for your album? Because there’s a message that I try to convey through my songs. It’s the wisdom I’ve learned, like music that’s beyond the music itself. For example, “What makes you beautiful is your heart, what makes you beautiful is your soul —” I feel like it’s an important message. “Like the Wind” has some deeply felt lyrical lines in it that always remind me of a particular lesson I’ve learned in life: “Look at nature, how it’s flowing, no anxiety . . . Winds are blowing, Leaves are falling, nature sets you free . . .” is one example. The lesson is not to worry too much and take an example from the natural world, to let things flow naturally. What’s the story behind the song “Ganga Puja?” When I was living in Varanasi, India, earlier this year I would wake up daily around four in the morning and head down by the river Ganga, which is revered as very sacred among Indian people because its water comes from the Himalayas. For the past four thousand years they’ve been having this prayer ceremony called “Puja” at 5:00 a.m. Young girls from an ashram would come and sing ancient Vedic chants. I was absolutely mesmerized by it; I sampled them on my little voice recorder. Then when I returned home I used that sample, came up with a beat, and the song was born. And “Like the Wind?” I wrote it when I was spending a summer in the beautiful redwoods by the Pacific Ocean. The energy of the ocean is so amazing to me. I tried to imitate the cleansing and flowing effect of ocean waters in this song. Then the second verse is about our true nature being light that’s inside of every one of us. I would love all people to recognize themselves as that beautiful light, despite all their imperfections. The third verse is my favorite. I think it was a quote from a spiritual text I was reading about, pondering on the flow of things in nature. Things just happen, without worries, without anger or obsession. Seasons change and leaves change color. It’s nice to realize that and apply it in our lives to give it more fluidity and less stress. Because when you look at nature it’s always incredibly peaceful and flowing. How do you regenerate after giving yourself heavily to the music? Music regenerates me. Every time I feel down all I have to do is start singing and I immediately feel 100% better. Music is incredibly healing to me. What conditions do you need in your life in order to maintain your creative output? Peace of mind. Peace in my heart. A place to record too and unconstricted time. Are there any books, albums, or films that have influenced your work? I love reading spiritual literature: The Bhagavad Gita, The Alchemist, Bible, Rumi’s poetry, listening to Bob Marley, who’s my biggest musical inspiration because he was able to reach deeply into the hearts of people of all walks of life, anywhere in the world. It’s powerful. Uniting people though music is very powerful. I also find Alice Coltrane’s work deeply inspiring and transcending. Her album Journey to Satchinanda is such a gem, I can listen to it an infinite amount of times and literally never get tired of it. A Love Supreme is amazing too! Some John Coltrane, but mostly Alice. Do you follow a spiritual discipline that helps you stay balanced? Absolutely. Everyday. I wake up and try to take some time to meditate, do yoga, reflect, spend time in nature, connect with the eternal part of my being where I think all of this music comes from. When I’m on tour and have to drive long distances I always listen to spiritual talk. Basically always striving to better myself so I can make the most of this life experience, to understand life more deeply. If you had an artistic mission statement, what would it be? To bring positivity and light into the world with my music. #LightUpTheWorld has been my motto — it’s from a song I’ve written with the same name. What’s next for the Lavender Fields? I’m about to do my first East Coast U.S. tour. Planning on touring in Brazil this winter, and Europe in the spring. I’m opening myself up for all the world touring opportunities, to spread more light and also plant more lavender fields everywhere I go. I absolute love doing what I do and am ever so grateful for such an amazing opportunity.

"ALL THINGS GO" LAVENDER FIELDS MESMERIZES WITH “GRAVITUDE” For those uninitiated to fire dancing, let Lavender Fields latest video introduce you with her latest video for “Gravitude”. Echoing keys play softly over low vibrations of the Universe itself as Long Beach-native artist Earthcandy mesmerizes every eye caught in her direction with sweeping flames that trail across the subconscious. Directed and edited by our musician of the hour, the video plays on an almost dream sequence theme throughout. On the new video, Lavender Fields writes, “Being in the state of inner peace so you can be of greater service to the world. She dances freely with fire, burning away the negativity surrounding her. Fire is a powerful element that protects her inner peace and allows her to maintain a state of flow.”

Where are you from and what style of music do you create? (In your own words, not necessarily in marketing terms or by popular genre classifications.) I was born in Russia but have lived half my life in the US which makes me think of myself as a global citizen since I can’t completely relate to neither culture and always traveling and exploring all the beautiful cultures on our planet. I create experimental music of multiple genres by using Ableton recording software, Moog synthesizer, my voice, various field recordings that I gather while traveling, piano and guitar. What led you down this path of music and what motivates you to stay the course? I have been playing classical music all throughout childhood and naturally started writing my own songs. It has honestly been my dream to create music for as long as I remember. I’m constantly looking to create new sounds that have never been created. That’s a major motivation. Also having a mission of bring positive music into the world is something that motivates me to create it. How is your new release different than previous ones? Did you set out to accomplish anything specific? Yes , the new EP “Gravitude” Is a lot different from the rest of what i’ve created so far. The song “Gravitude” has a more showgazey feel to it and I am using an electric guitar for the first time in my live sets and recordings. I am exploring a bit different pallet of emotions and moods on this new EP. I guess it’s just a natural evolution of me as an artist, reflecting the currency of my emotional situation. The new release has a slightly different vibe from my previous releases. I’m a big fan of exploring unknown musical territories. Do you face any challenges as an indie musician in a digital age? On the flip side, how has technology helped you (if it has)? Technology is the reason why I am able to create the music that I create. I absolute love how music production has become so accessible to practically anyone who has a laptop. Where can we follow you online and hear more music? www.lavenderfieldsmusic.com is my website. I also have Instagram and facebook. My music is available for download at : lavenderfields.bandcamp.com and streamable on all major platforms. As well as Soundcloud. Anything else before we sign off? I recently launched a project called “Light Up The World” where I plant Lavender plants in each city that I tour. Eventually I would love to expand it and plant entire fields of lavenders as I tour. You can find more info about that on my website: https://lavenderfieldsmusic.com/light-up-the-world-project

Los Angeles-based producer and singer-songwriter Lavender Fields has released her debut album "Music Beyond Music". The album follows up her debut EP "Lavender Fields Forever", which was released last February. The album comprises of 6-track and sounds fantastic and translates into a magical world with some elements of reggae and a whiff of dream pop. Originally, she has learned classical music, but in addition to classical music, she created her own ingenious sound that combines reggae music, jazz and pop. "I suppose my influences can be traced back to classical music that I’ve been studying and playing since early childhood," she told PLEIADESOUNDS. "Tchaikovsky is my all time favorite composer, I just think his music contains so much magic and wonder, it has always been able to take me to the most hidden and sacred parts of my soul. I am also greatly influenced by Bob Marley! There is something in his music that touches my soul very deeply and his life and message are one of the most moving ones for me." She added, "Eventually I will come back to classical music. I am starting to transcribe my music now and envision some very epic orchestral arrangements mixed with electronica and world music in the near future!" She plans to release of her upcoming EP "Gravitude", which is due out later this year. Also she will perform at Rigby Mansion in Philadelphia on October 7, The Pour House Music Hall in Raleigh on October 9, The Broadberry in Richmond on October 10 and Shambhala Yoga and Music Festival at New Haven Event Park on October 19. Learn more about tour dates

Multi-genre artist/producer, Lavender Fields, releases her album Music Beyond Music. Her music began with her foundation in classical music and has since alchemized with the many artists. Her first self-produced album addresses the idea of “music” that is beyond music to reach people’s hearts, wisdom that’s beyond sound. Lavender’s travels to India inspired her writing, even using samples of girls chanting Vedic chants at a Puja ceremony by the sacred river Ganges. She is gearing up to release her next EP, Gravitude, later this year. LISTEN TO MUSIC BEYOND MUSIC (highlight track, “Like the Wind”)


Coming from a closet hippie such as myself, I will tell you that I genuinely favor music with positive messages over druggy EDM that suggests taking pressed pills in clubs because “we might not see tomorrow” or whatever. However, I’m not a dead head or into the touchy feely vibes of a kundalini yoga instructor turned day rave dj– I want legit beats with empowering lyrics and I don’t want to compromise, damnit. In comes Lavender Fields, a Californian producer with a penchant for various shades of purple. Her first full length album, Music Beyond Music (out on June 22), sounds as though DJ Shadow and Flying Lotus (circa 1983/Los Angeles) took psychedelics together in Joshua Tree and decided to collaborate on a new age album that was produced by Prince Rama. Which sounds absolutely fantastic and translates into a magical bassy live show with some elements of reggae and a whiff of dream pop. Oh, and the record ends with a Saint Etienne sounding mid nineties synthy jam which somehow fits perfectly and gives me a heart-centered pep in my Doc Martin adorned step. I asked Ms. Lavender Fields a few questions about her music history and intentions for paving her artistic path…



PLEIADESOUNDS What are your biggest musical influences? Normally when I listen to music I can pinpoint exactly who the artists listens to and is greatly inspired by, but yours seems to be inspired by more than just music…

LAVENDER FIELDS I suppose my influences can be traced back to classical music that I’ve been studying and playing since early childhood. Tchaikovsky is my all time favorite composer, I just think his music contains so much magic and wonder, it has always been able to take me to the most hidden and sacred parts of my soul. I am also greatly influenced by Bob Marley! There is something in his music that touches my soul very deeply and his life and message are one of the most moving ones for me. He passed on 40 years but his songs still bring so much love, positivity, happiness and hope to the people of all nationalities, races and walks of life! It’s truly Universal. That inspires me a lot when I write music. I strive to be that force for good for all people and speak to all creation with my music. Amongst my other influences is Flying Lotus. Ever since I discovered his music, I fell in love with producing experimental electronica and creating my own weird lil sounds haha.

PS  In your opinion, in what ideal setting is best to experience your music?

LF Hmmm that’s a good one! I’d say driving down the Pacific Coast Highway, windows down, heart open, ocean on the left, trees on the right, during the golden hour magic :)

PS You are a classically trained pianist. How did you go from that to bassy-electronic-hippie-princess?

LF I’ve been playing classical music all my life and then I realized that I wanted to be my own composer! I started making songs first acoustically with just a guitar, piano and voice. Then I got a bit bored of that and wanted to create more innovative sounds and experiment! I got into bass music and drank ayahuasca for the first time, went to some transformational music festival and I guess my music has been evolving together with my consciousness :) This is just a natural evolution of me as a human and a musician. I am constantly evolving and expanding on this journey. Eventually I will come back to classical music. I am starting to transcribe my music now and envision some very epic orchestral arrangements mixed with electronica and world music in the near future!

PS  With what sort of message would you like listeners to walk away after having seen you live?

LF Certainly my goal is to spread love through music. I want people to connect with their own soul and get to the very depth of it after listening to my music live. I want people to open their hearts and love one another! I want people to think about nature and our beautiful planet and how much we should cherish that. When I perform live, I give the very best of my soul and my heart, I always try to play a show like its my last one. This is such a passion and labor of love for me and I absolutely enjoy every aspect of music in every way!

PS  What can we expect from you in the future?

LF I definitely see myself forming a band of musicians to play Lavender Fields’ music. I also definitely see lots of orchestral arrangements in my music to express the beauty of our planet through music, to be the voice for the voiceless and to express every human emotion through music, to express divinity the way I see it through music. Music is such a beautiful and powerful medium that can move and unite people. I am forever grateful to be born with this gift. I like the idea of being a modern day composer and reflect the state of the world and the concerns of our generation through music. 



**Album Release Party on June 23 at Silverlake Lounge in Los Angeles**

Keep up with Lavender Fields on the Information Superhighway!


"One of my dreams is to make a lasting contribution to the well-being of our beautiful planet that will ensure its preservation for the future generations. Music is a very powerful thing and together with environmental awareness, it can create miracles. That is what Lavender Fields stands for essentially. I am also a vegan and love to share new fun vegan recopies that I come up with my fans. I believe in plant-based living which is so beneficial for both our health and our planet..."

Read the entire article here: http://sdvoyager.com/interview/meet-lavender-fields-lavender-fields-ocean-beach/